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Introducing: Teddy O'Rourke

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Meet Teddy, our latest intern. Teddy commutes to the city from Long Island bopping to Lady Gaga the whole way. He love’s ice cream, thrifting and the Coney Island boardwalk. Teddy shines at The Charles with his warm smile and contagious laugh. Learn more about Teddy below! and follow him on Instagram here.

Where were you born, where have you lived, and where would you like to live one day?

What is it about New York that made you want to live and work here?

Do you have any interesting unique or hidden talents you want to share?

What do you do in your spare time?

What is your favorite type of food?

What would you bring with you if you were stuck on an island for 6 months alone?

What words do you live by?

What’s your most used meme?

Check back in for more introductions to come and stay up to date with The Charles daily life here.