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Content in the Time of COVID

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We spoke to our content production team about the challenges of making content this year and some of the solutions that proved to be most successful. Our Content Producer, Ben, and our Senior Integrated Producer, Allison, both shared their thoughts below:

A note from Ben, Our Content Producer –

Over the course of this past year, content has taken on many different forms. Following guidance from government officials has always been the top priority, but translating that guidance into production practice has been the challenge. 

With people at home spending more time on their screens than ever before, we saw an increase in demand for content, but a major decrease in the ability to supply it. To keep up with the demand, while maintaining the same quality of work, we developed a three part approach. 

Each part of our approach represented a possibility for fulfilling a content request. 

Part one, Remote Direction, focused on small-scale production crews and art direction via video conference. We had success with this solution, however, it required a reworking of our shot lists and schedules. We found that all shoot documents needed to be clear and concise, while also outlining every detail that we would otherwise have communicated on set. With all production and setup detailed on our documents, our team was able to use video conferencing solely for art direction. Cooperation from our production crews helped make this possible. 

Part two, In-House Production, was reserved for smaller content requests. With our in-house team and equipment, we were able to create social and digital content that did not require the gathering of a full crew. Art Direction still happened virtually, but was even easier when all members of the team and crew had full context for the content request. 

Part three, Asset Repurposing and Renewal, was made possible by our agency’s digital team. Taking pre-existing assets and updating them with animation, editing or treatment allowed the assets to have a completely new life. We saw success with this option in both work we had previously produced for our clients, as well as new clients who came to us to increase the lifespan of their current assets.

This year marked a completely new situation for all of us. Production has always been about interpersonal communication. We missed seeing our crews face to face, but found joy in the way everyone worked together this year. We know it is not forever, so we are thankful to our clients, team and crews for their creative thinking over the past year.

To speak more with Ben about our production practices email him at

A note from Allison, our Senior Integrated Producer –

When much of the country went into lockdown this March, content production, like many other industries, came to a halt. And we knew that the next time we would step onto set, it would look much different than before. 

The top priority for all of us was maintaining a safe work environment, so our first step started with researching the CDC and New York state guidelines on health & safety protocols. We needed a guide that would help us navigate content production in the time of COVID.

We knew that there were two possible set scenarios that we’d never been faced with before—a socially-distanced set with a limited crew or a remotely-produced set—but wanted to be prepared regardless. Our COVID production guide was an essential part of our pre-production process that outlined the health & safety standards needed to keep our creatives, crews and talent safe.

We shared our COVID production guide with clients, which led to open and honest conversations about how to maintain safety, quality control over the work and level of service they’ve come to expect of us—whether we were physically present on set or not. Content productions are inherently collaborative with our team, clients and crew, so we knew we needed a way to maintain the same levels of communication and live feedback. Real-time screen share of the camera capture made it possible for our creative and clients to work with our crew to review, problem solve and approve every shot.

Despite the challenges we faced, we were able to produce 9 shoots since June 2020. Each shoot brought new challenges and learnings that we’ll be taking with us into the new year. There’s no way for us to know what lies ahead, but the planning, partnership and collaboration will let us keep creating work we’re excited to share with our clients.

To speak more to Allison about Integrated production in the time of COVID email her at

"Photoshoots are by nature very social. You meet new people, you hug your favorite stylist that you haven’t seen in a while, you gather with your whole team around a tiny screen to look at a shot etc… We’re fortunate enough to still be able to go on set, and if that means elbow bumps instead of hugs, then I’m all for it"

Vanessa, Senior Designer

Despite the challenges we faced, we were still able to produce quite a few shoots this year. Our learnings on communication, crew scaling and tech will only served to further inform our future productions.

If you are looking for safe production and great content, email us!