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We haven’t been in your inbox in a while, and though it may seem like silence is complacency, our founders shared what it means to them here (and below).
After our pause, we certainly aren’t “back to business as usual”, but instead are doubling down on how we can change. This begins with our communication to you and our latest edition of #breadcrumbs, which shines the spotlight this week on some of the softer and brighter moments of Black culture.
From Afrofuturism rocking the galaxy, to renowned brand Hood By Air’s BIG return from their 2 year hiatus, we want to make sure everyone can see clearly because our weekly link party is here.
We made a promise to do the work that needs to be done to help be a catalyst of change. Over the last few weeks, we’ve made strides in our commitment to ensure that we’re staying true to our word. Read up on what we’ve been doing.
“Being a living example of Black joy/creativity for my son, nieces, and nephews has become my most important theme as the work I make is all relational,” said Frank Frances.
“I feel as though I have to protect the image of a Black woman. Her sensuality, her softness, her glory, her joy, her humanity…”, Shanita Sims explained.